Sunday, August 03, 2008

Happy BC Day (weekend)

Yesterday, Jazz and I drove to North Vancouver for a doggie training session in hopes (once again) to help her with her noise phobia. The class was full of young and untrained dogs. Jazz is old and way better trained, so at one point the instructor used Jazz as a demo. But while she was talking, Jazz was supposed to just wander around to demonstrate a 'loose leash'. Well I thought it was pretty funny when Jazz walked behind her, put her front paws on the window ledge and looked out the window. The instructor kept talking and had no idea that she was looking out the window. All the other dogs were paying attention to either their owner or other dogs - except mine who was daydreaming of being outside - oh I wish I had a camera for that one!

Today, I decided to take her to the river. When we arrived we saw these two First Nations Canoes.

A little further on was this sign, about a Fish Wheel :
And then the Fish Wheel :

As I was walking along I was struck by the beauty of so many cobwebs full of dew drops, unfortunately it's difficult to see in the photo. I'm not sure what is needed to capture this image - a close up of one is wonderful but it was spectacular to see 10 or 12 of them all covered in dew - can you see it?
Along our walk Jazz had lots of new smells to explore :And she would often plow into the tall grasses near the river bank, following some smell or something. At one point she was gone for a little too long and I got worried that she had fallen into the river or had gotten stuck, so I followed her and discovered this wonderful site - a Great Blue Heron:
Along the walk was nothing but nature's sweet sounds until it was broken by the singing of the First Nation People rowing their canoes up the river - what an interesting sound... too bad the singing was suddenly overtaken by the sound of the race track! New quickly took over from old!

It was a great walk, although I think age is catching up to my poor little dog who seems to be having a little bit of trouble keeping up with me, lately. Maybe it was just too hot for her?

We went home so she could rest - she's been sleeping on her side in the same position for about 1/2 hour now, so then I finished my Eyelet Shruglet in Turquoise Baby Alpaca (ooh it's sooo soft)

I took this picture myself using the timer on the camera and the tripod I got for my birthday. I guess my green t-shirt is a bit distracting for the turquoise sweater though isn't it?


Cynthia F said...

Love your shrug!!
and nice day for a walk- it's really nice there... :))

Carol Browne said...